
We’ll put your financial assets in perspective

In business valuations, an entire business’s value or the value of certain assets is determined, using different valuation methods. Of course, we only use recognized valuation procedures in order to receive a significant result.

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We’ll vigorously support you in all topics concerning valuation. Our range of services includes accompanying our clients in many processes, ranging from business acquisitions to patent evaluations, brand evaluations or tax report. No matter why a valuation is important to you: with us, you have found the right partners!


Sadly, there is no definitie method set forth by the law in order to evaluate companies - yet; which is why it is so important to have professional, knowledgeable and competent auditors by your side. This is the only way to determine a meaningful enterprise value. This enterprise value is determined using the use that the business can produce - especially due to its material substance, its innovative capacity, its products and its place in the market at the time of the valuation. This future use that is formed by the entirety of all influencing factors will reveal itself in the gain that is to be expected in the coming future after the date of evaluation. Concerning financial goals, the enterprise value complies in general with the cash value of all future revenue surplus. That is how the earnings value of a business is determined.

The valuation guidelines and methods we use are currently seen as secure in both theoretical and practical applications and have been noted by both literature and announcements of the Institute of Auditors Germany e.V. (IDW). They are generally recognized by Supreme Court jurisdiction and have been classified as “without concern” with regard to constitutional law by the Federal Court.


The starting point of any valuation is formed by balance accounts provided to us by management, as well as by further documents that may be individually connected with your business, in any given evaluation.

Depending on your specific situation we will choose and apply the individual valuation approach that is most suitable for your enterprise and needs. Throughout the entire process, our focus will be on making the entire process as easy and convenient for you as possible. Our committed and experienced team of professionals will always support you in all functions when it comes to negotiations with potential investors, financial institutions and authorities concerning acquisition or sale of an enterprise. Through this approach, we aim to achieve the best outcome for your business.


The major advantage of an enterprise valuation is the resulting transparency concerning the purchasing price when acquiring or selling a business. In addition, it will make business succession more smoothly since all parties involved will have a clear understanding concerning the enterprise’s value.

Do you require support concerning topics of valuation?

Arrange a free initial appointment!

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